Wednesday, May 4, 2011

La Rencontre

spilling crimson says....Two years ago ...
Deauville has not changed
You either, you know ...

It's funny ...
Always this appointment at the last moment
They are there as before
Sailboats, seagulls.
I have your jacket on my shoulders
To protect myself from the wind
But you have not yet embraced.

I wanted to see you.
Finally, it has never gone
That's life that has separated us

It's true, I think I still
In our romantic dinner,
In these bouquets of flowers,
In all these telegrams ...
It is said that passion, that only happens once.
You loved the dangerous love, you ...

I feel it will rain
Two years ago ...
Deauville has not changed
Moi non plus, you know ...

That's ...
I'm going back to the hotel
You'll go to Paris,
And then you call me one day, maybe ...
You tell me: come, and I will come
As usual, you will say nothing, why?

Give me another cigarette ...
I will have memories, full of memories
And a lot of nostalgia ...

It's crazy, too,
It feels good to think,
And I can not forget.
You see, I wanted to tell you I love you,
There, now, on that beach in Normandy
But ... but I think it's too late ...

Yes, it's late, we must return