Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nada - Ma Che Freddo Fa

spilling crimson says...."How cold it is" lyrics:
How cold it is
In winter the sun tired
he goes to bed early
do not take it anymore
do not take it anymore
now the night falls
with his cold hands on me
but that is cold
but that is cold
would take a caress
for a girl's heart
then maybe yes - I would love you.
I feel like a butterfly
that the flowers do not fly more
that does not fly more
that does not fly more
I am the fire burning
Your great love
that already has faded
but that is cold
but that is cold
thou hast disappointed boy
you stole from my face
that smile that will not return.
What is life
without love
is just a tree
that leaves no longer
and the wind rises
a cold wind
like leaves
throws down hopes
What is this life but
if you miss you.
Do not love me anymore
that is cool
What is life
if you miss you
do not love me anymore
that is cool