Saturday, April 30, 2011

Le mot de Passe

spilling crimson says....Presumably by then
The world has changed its name

And that nothing can resist 

The passage of time, anyway......
 We can expect to find A few of you in my sorrows
We will see that I cried And I've held other hands
I'll be there at the time that passes
At the time that because of allI'll be there as I'm here
Faced with us I'll be there as a trace On the remains of a crazy love
I'll be there as I'm here The password, the password It will be us
Presumably me  you want Tell about our reunion Will it then that I think
As I thought our  battles You can spend so close to you Without touching you.
 but you understand,
There are words that have notHad the patience to wait for you
I'll be there at the time that passes
At the time that because of all
I'll be there as I'm here Faced with us
I'll be there as a trace On the remains of a crazy love
I'll be there as I'm here The password,
 the password It will be us, I did it to give you eternity 
These few hours Where I chose to stop The small beats of my heart...